NILS 480
NILS 480
The Sinterit Lisa X is the fastest benchtop SLS printer, offering lightning-fast printing, a large working area, access to numerous materials, and open printing parameters. All designed to give you more freedom to innovate more and faster.
A new, more productive industrial SLS printer that offers users high quality results. NILS 480 holds all of Sinterit's primary features, yet expands upon productivity, ensuring the best ROI on the SLS technology market.
Reliability, consistency and accuracy are what makes this printer the top selling model in its class worldwide. Now you can bring SLS 3D printing into your workshop, design studio, production floor or classroom.
Designed for a Variety of Application Needs
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is a powder-based technology in which a laser beam bonds grains of powder. The sintered powder becomes a printout, while the unsintered portion is ready for another print. With the powder spread over the printing chamber layer by layer, providing automatic support for printing, no additional support is required. SLS prints are known for their accuracy, durability, thermal resistance, and a wide range of available material types, from rigid to flexible to soft.